(Live +) In Person
I have to say, I find seeing ambient artists doing live shows to be pretty boring. I find the music to be pretty useless without some context for, well, use. I'm falling pretty hard here into one side of what an old literary theory professor of mine called the Kant/St. Augustine divide, and I think that's fine. Maybe you have other ideas, and I think that's fine as well.
But I'm also pretty interested in expanding the spirit of what this site has been doing for the last few years, and so I'd like to start thinking about some ways of getting the music I point to on this site out from under your headphones and out into the actual world for use. But in a way that's a bit more indirect than promoting live shows. That's not very interesting to me.
So consider this an invitation for artists, designers, and anyone else reading to collaborate on some kind of project that applies ambient music to the world. I really have no idea what that means, but I'd like to try to do something. If you have an interest, or ideas, or anything, leave a comment, shoot me an email at ambientmusicblog at gmail.com, or berate me via twitter.com/ambientmusic.